B.Sc (Nursing)

The B.Sc. nursing degree program is a four-year fulltime program comprising eight semesters, which prepares B.Sc. nursing graduates qualified to practice nursing and midwifery in a variety of settings in either public/government or private healthcare settings. It adopts credit system and semester system as per the Authority guidelines with minor modifications suitable to professional education in a hybrid form. The program encompasses foundational, core and elective courses. The choice-based system is applicable to electives only and is offered in the form of modules. Modular learning is also integrated in the foundational as well as core courses that is mandatory. The program prepares nurses and midwives for generalist nursing including midwifery practice. Knowledge acquisition related to wellness, health promotion, illness, disease management and care of the dying is core to nursing practice. Mastery of competencies is the main focus. Students are provided with opportunities to learn a whole range of skills in addition to acquiring knowledge related to nursing practice (nursing and midwifery). This is achieved through learning in skill lab/simulated lab and clinical environment. Simulation will be integrated throughout the curriculum wherever feasible to enable them to develop competencies before entry into real field of practice. The revised curriculum embraces competency-based and outcome-based approach throughout the program integrating mastery learning and self-directed learning. Transformational and relationship based educational approaches are emphasized. Through the educational process the students assimilate and synthesize knowledge, cultivate critical thinking skills and develop care strategies. Competencies that reflect practice standards of the Council address the areas of cultural diversity, communication technology, teamwork and collaboration, safety, quality, therapeutic interventions and evidence- based practice. They are prepared to provide safe and competent care to patients across life span and influence patient outcomes

B.Sc Nursing (4 Years)

Sr.No1st Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Communication English240
2Applied Anatomy360
3Applied Physiology360
4Applied Sociology360
5Applied Psychology360
6Nursing Foundation 16360
Sr.No2nd Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Applied Biochemestry240
2Applied Nutrition and Dietetics360
3Nursing Foundation 2360
4Health/Nursing Information & Technology360
Sr.No3rd Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Applied Microbiology and infection control including safety280
2Pharmacology 1120
3Pathology 1120
4Adult health (medical surgecal) nursing 1 with integrated pathophysiology7660
Sr.No4th Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Pharmacology 2360
2Pathology 2 & Genetics120
3Adult health (medical surgecal) nursing 2 with integrated pathophysiology including geriatric nursing7660
4Professional values & ethics including bioethics120
Sr.No5th Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Child health nursing 13260
2Mental health nursing 13140
3Community health nursing (including environmental sciences & epidemiology)5260
4Educational technology/nursing education280
5Introduction to forensics nursing and indian laws120
Sr.No6th Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Child health nursing 22120
2Mental health nursing 22200
3Nursing management & leadership3140
4Midwifery/obstetrics and gynecology (OBG) nursing 13340
Sr.No7th Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Community health nursing 25260
2Nursing research & statictics2120
3Midwifery/obstetrics and gynecology (OBG) nursing 23420
Sr.No8th Semester SubjectsTheory CredicsTotal Hours
1Internship (intensive practicum/residency posting)