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Why Choose us?

We give the Best value of your investment

We are now at 33. Consultio Life Insurance Company Limited is proud of the fact that around 3.5 million lives are part of our family. It gives us a sense of immense pleasure, while we realize the responsibility at the same time.
Service Experience

Adam Chauhan

Founder & CEO
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Satisfied Clients
It’s a risky world out there and getting the right insurance is complicated. Instead of hoping you have what you need, get with an IOA expert. You’ll have peace of mind in knowing you can face .
Life Insurance

We are dedicated to support you

You deserve care that’s simple, personalized, and hassle-free. Safe Insurance that’s designed to help you thrive. You can never be fully prepared for a major illness. But with critical illness insurance, you can be financially prepared really.
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Years of experience
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